Public safety and environmental protection are fundamental priorities for VAFFC. The fuel system was built to modern building, seismic, fire and environmental codes in order to achieve the highest levels of safety and reliability.
The System spill prevention and response strategies are robust and follow globally recognized industry best practices. The System response measures also enhance the response capability on the Fraser River to the benefit of stakeholders.

VAFFC is committed to environmental protection and maintaining regulatory compliance through the implementation and continual development of its Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) for the management and mitigation of potential environmental effects. The OEMP meets or exceeds the relevant regulatory requirements and will be reviewed and revised annually to maintain compliance.

Emergency Preparedness
At Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation (VAFFC), the safety of our community, environment, and operations is our top priority. In the unlikely event of an emergency, VAFFC is equipped to respond immediately with well-defined procedures and a team of trained professionals.
A robust Emergency Response Plan (ERP) that is fully compliant with the standards set by the BC Energy Regulator as well as an Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (OPEP) that is fully compliant with the standards set by Transport Canada is in place to address emergencies promptly and effectively.
As we continue to develop our operations, we integrate additional operational information and insight provided by our operational team. Through regular review and updates to the ERP and the OPEP we update our response strategies so they remain accurate, relevant and effective.
The ERP and OPEP are updated annually or whenever necessary to keep the plans current and effective. These plans grow and adapt along side our operations.